Saturday, June 11, 2011

The development of English furniture from antiquity to modern furniture

The two most important factors for the development of the furniture were the materials available and customer demand for ever-changing fashion.

Furniture of the 16th Century - When you visit an antique shop or auction of a large quantity of items to survive. Furniture 500 years ago is still very durable and often has its own style experience. Fine hand has always been admired and sought after, so furniture has started to grow in value through the generations through stepPresent.

Chaise Lounge

Originally, the largest oak in Elizabethan times was used. Furniture was heavy and were kept with curved legs and chairs off or covered. Benches were very common in the cafeteria-style tables. The beds are 4-poster bed to keep up with heavy curtains, seats for the drawings, with a canopy and carved.

17. Century Progress and 18 - Towards the end of the 17th Century was flattered by the ornaments, and rushes that of dresses appeared, some chairs somodified for them. Pedestal and were more polite, refined and decorative.

When Charles II ascended the English throne has his court of fine furnishings that were in vogue in France and Holland wanted to emulate. talented artisans carved wooden furniture, the extravagant tastes of Louis XIV and his successors, please. Typically, the furniture was golden mountains and has been beautifully decorated with sculptures and small bars. MoreFrench influence is very evident in the furniture. In general, French-style cabinets are curved in shape and well decorated with moldings and carved panels on the front legs and elegant S-shaped

These different styles and abilities have been copied and refined again in England. The rooms were small, so that the furniture has been revised downwards, and when Queen Anne ascended the throne in 1700 the Queen Anne chair was developed. With curved lines and comfortable cushions, this chairThe style is still popular today.

20. Century (contemporary furnishings) - Over time, exposed wood and oils - walnut, with its whorled pattern, with its red-brown mahogany, cherry, rosewood and with its distinctive dark banners. In the late 20th century teak and pine gave way to a variety of materials, new opportunities to challenge the traditional designs.

Chromium, PVC, plastic and glass are just some of the interesting materials in many colors to createmodern bar stool, kitchen cabinets, shelving and furniture for modern offices. Costs of steam-bent wood lamination brought low and raised in the new designer chairs and tables. The chairs and lounge chairs with upholstered furniture of the past was caused attenuation in a range of tissues, which were previously unthinkable.

Progress has been made to change, but the latest and most daring not to every home. There is still a place in the Victorian houses, many of us call home, the provision in the GreatThe styles of the past.

The development of English furniture from antiquity to modern furniture

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