Sunday, October 23, 2011

P90X Yoga - How to Keep the Body Limber

P90X Yoga - How to Keep the Body Limber

Chaise Lounge

P90X is the next greatest thing in fitness videos. It is demanding, but delivers massive results quickly. One part of the series is P90X yoga. While you think this might be your easiest part of doing the P90X routine, buckle up. This is the most strenuous yoga routine you've yet to encounter.

This is certainly not a beginner yoga video. The video places great demands on your upper and lower body. The poses are not necessarily advanced, but overall the workout will require you to have a lot of energy stored up.

There are six sections to the workout. First is the warm up section, which will get your muscles stretched and limber. Next is the moving Asana portion of the video. This portion focuses a lot on breathing techniques while moving you through the various positions like runner's pose and the warrior poses.

Not to deviate too far from traditional yoga, the video next moves to traditional balance poses like tree and crane. The kicker? You hold the poses for a minute in certain instances!

Unlike traditional yoga videos, the next section is an intense abdominal workout call Yoga Belly. This is followed by some floor poses like child's pose and fetal pose. The workout is ended with holding the meditation pose for a long while.

This workout delivers an intense yoga practice. The poses are held for longer than typical yoga videos and the music will keep you engaged and energetic. This video will definitely show you the results quicker than other yoga videos!

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